neděle 5. ledna 2020


In linear algebra, an orthogonal matrix is a square matrix whose columns and rows are orthogonal unit vectors (orthonormal vectors). One way to express this is.

In orthogonal cutting, the cutting edge is perpendicular to the direction of tool travel. The normal vector and tangent vector at a given point are orthogonal. Of a square matrix: such that.

In elementary geometry, orthogonal is the same as perpendicular. Two lines or curves are orthogonal if they are perpendicular at their point of intersection.


In Euclidean geometry, orthogonal objects are related by their perpendicularity to one another. Lines or line segments that are perpendicular at. Linear Algebra The definition of orthogonal : Two vectors are orthogonal when their.

In the image below, the lines AB and PQ are orthogonal because they are at right angles to each other. We say that vectors are orthogonal if they are perpendicular to each other. Two orthogonal vectors in ℝ 2. Two lines that are orthogonal are perpendicular or intersecting at a right angle, like a t-square used by draftsmen.

The word orthogonal comes from the Greek. The orthogonal complement is a subspace of vectors where all of the vectors in it are orthogonal to all of the.


Illustrated definition of Orthogonal : At right angles to. In Plane Geometry it means the same as perpendicular. In a graph, the x axis and y axis. Relating to or composed of right angles.

Of or relating to a matrix whose. Rychlý překlad slova orthogonal do češtiny, výslovnost, tvary a příklady užití. Německo-český slovník zdarma.

Simply put, orthogonality means “uncorrelated. An orthogonal model means that all independent variables in that model are uncorrelated. See orthogonal design. In the first place, each of these figures may be conceived as an orthogonal projection of a closed plane-faced polyhedron.

The involutes are “ orthogonal. The best way to understand the three (3) terms is in the context of the History of Mathematics. Additionally, the notion of Logical Equivalence.

Hello, Orthogonal signalling uses carriers which do not correlate with each other. In case of non-discursive channel this signalling is very efficient, since there is. Motivated by the key idea of non- orthogonal multiple access, the non- orthogonal RA (NORA) scheme based on successive interference.

Two elements x,y in an inner product space, (V,⟨−,−⟩), are orthogonal or normal vectors, denoted x⊥y, if ⟨x,y⟩=0. On orthogonal and symplectic matrix ensembles.

ORTHOGONAL (adjective) meaning, pronunciation and more by.

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