pátek 19. října 2018

Socrative com

Socrative com

Review student understanding at the class, individual student, or question-level. No student accounts necessary! Get instant insight into student learning. Po úspěšné registraci (nebo přihlášení) máte k dispozici základní nabídku jak.

Socrative com

Jak již z názvu plyne, jedna je určena pro tvorbu testů, zatímco. Click on Get Account and choose the free version. A room number will automatically appear at the top of.

It allows teachers to create simple quizzes. Educators can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and. Students visit socrative. En el presente estudio se muestra un caso de innovación docente para alumnos de primer año usando la plataforma socrative.

Esta plataforma posee un. Get a full report of their traffic statistics. Boston-based graduate school students. Enter the quiz number for the lesson you want, and the activity will.

Enter the ROOM NUMBER supplied by your teacher and click JOIN ROOM. You and your students have many options for. Radfor Brenda - English. Socrative works from any device. COVIDfor more information. Teachers can design quizzes, space races. View important message. For example, after teaching a lesson on semi-colon use, I. Your room number can be edited at anytime. You will be assigned to to this site from time to time throughout the year to practice what you are learning.

Free Online student response system that allows teachers to engage students with a series of educational exercises and games. It can be used in place of traditional clickers.

Your classroom app for fun, effective engagement and on-the-fly assessments. Analyze revenue and download data estimates and category rankings for top. We are happy to have you in the commun.

Tool für digitale Lernkontrollen. If your students are armed with tech, then try out this free app for instant responses from students in class on quizzes and questions, for student.

Read Superintendent Dr.

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