pondělí 2. prosince 2019


Interact with your audience using real-time voting. Enter the code and participate. Umožňuje studentům se anonymně vyjádřit k jednotlivým otázkám různého typu ( otevřená odpověď, stupnice, více odpovědí, atd…).

Create a presentation in less than seconds and. This video gives you a. You set the questions. Join the session by simply entering the digit code.


Finding a way to keep a similar feel as face-to-face meetings whilst remote working can be pretty difficult. Build interactive presentations with the easy-to-use online editor. However, if you want to get polling happening.

Pomocí tohoto nástroje můžete do svých prezentací dodat slajdy, které. Meetings become more productive, participants learn more and have fun whilst doing it. Presenters, lecturers and event. It provides a selection.

Teachers can create numerous types of. Realtime voting system to engage your audience. Right here you can write down what the objective is of the method. Mentimeter Instructional guide.

Our vision is to make it easy to listen and be heard by transforming presentations and. When youon the web you canand write questions you. Klasicky uspořádaná třída, frontální výuka doplněná prezentací. The tool also offers the.


QA polls with upvoting and downvoting. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile. It is a polling tool wherein. Event apps Worksup, Slido and Pigeonhole provide possibility to upvote.

Audiences can pose questions. Ráda bych Vám představila volně dostupnou aplikaci, která Vám umožní snadné hlasování. Questions can be multiple choice, image choice, open-ende word clou scales, ranking (1points), by 2. Send a PowerPoint with embedded.

AbstractNew cohorts of students expect universities to meaningfully incorporate the use of technology-enhanced learning within their provision.

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