středa 18. prosince 2019


Examples of supplicant in a Sentence. Noun the new governor soon had to deal with a long line of supplicants asking for jobs and other political favors Adjective.

A supplicant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much. Latin verb " supplicant ".

Synonyms for supplicant at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for supplicant. A person making a humble or earnest plea to someone in power or authority. They will never go out and proactively gather information, they always wait to be supplied.


One praying humbly for something. In an authentication system, supplicant refers to the client machine that wants to gain access to the network. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9. X53-Dfor the QFX Series. Configure the MAC-based method used to authenticate clients for 802. X or captive portal authentication.

X, WPA, WPA RSN, IEEE 802. Definition (noun) someone who prays to God. Dictionary definition and meaning for word supplicant. Top synonym for supplicant ( another word for supplicant ) is suppliant.

Supplicant synonyms and Supplicant antonyms. Esquire using Skewering. Sunak hopes to be seen as more than just a supplicant. As a modest supplicant, Mary prayed for the less.


You can enable the access point as an 802. X supplicant (client) on the wired network. As discussed earlier, the ISE Policy Administration Node (PAN) should be the first stop when troubleshooting authentication failures.

The wise supplicant. One who supplicates or petitions on his own behalf. Configuring switch ports to operate as supplicants for 802. X connections to other switches.

A switch port can operate as a supplicant in a connection to a port on. Britain will approach exit talks with the EU from a position of strength and not as “ a supplicant ”, Theresa May has sai seeking to raise.

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