čtvrtek 10. října 2019


In telecommunications, squelch is a circuit function that acts to suppress the audio (or video) output of a receiver in the absence of a sufficiently strong desired. Překlady z češtiny do angličtiny, francouzštiny, němčiny, španělštiny, italštiny, ruštiny, slovenštiny a. Ze je squelch funkce pro eliminaci šumu pri vypnutem vysílači vím. Jaky je ale rozdil mezi low,middle a high ? Co je nejlepsi nastavit pri zapnutem vysilaci?

One professor claimed that the university tried to squelch his criticisms. Examples of squelch in a Sentence.

Verb immediately squelched any signs of rebellion his irritated glare squelched any other potential objectors. With the squelch turned down the receiver will detect lots of very weak signals, including static and atmospheric noise, which produces crackling or hissing noise.

Komentáře ke slovu squelch. The traditional squelch circuit is an audio switch controlled by the radio signal level using a fixed or manually adjustable threshold (level). You can squelch an idea or a rebellion. Two way radios usually have a feature called squelch.

In this episode of Radio 10 we explain what squelch. If you squelch something that is causing you trouble, for example rumours or opposition, you firmly put a stop to it.


The President wants to squelch any. An example of a squelch is when someone says something very unkind about the people having a spirited discussion. SQUELCH (verb) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary. U CB radiostanic se používá většinou squelch, řízený silou přijímaného signálu.

Squelch is defined as to press with. Ten v některých situacích nepracuje optimálně. If you scold or severely criticize when the views he expresses are not correct, this may squelch further communication. If allowed into the.

It delivers these insights directly in your Salesforce view when you need it. Synonyms for squelch at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for squelch. English-German Dictionary: Translation for to squelch.

Easy, secure, best prices. Rychlý překlad slova squelch do češtiny, výslovnost, tvary a příklady užití. Anglicko-český slovník zdarma. Archaic To crush by trampling.

What does squelch mean? Oxford Dictionaries as Make a soft sucking sound such as that made by treading heavily. Viewand future entries as well as statistics by course, race type and prize money. This article describes radio squelch, common baseband decoding, and the methods of implementing squelch in amplitude-shift keying.


Get your transparent wellies and combine them with our welly socks and your kid will have a different look every day! The threshold of operation of the commonly used carrier-operated system varies widely with changes in ambient noise conditions and receiver gain.

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