pátek 18. října 2019

Ubiquiti forums

ScoreResponsesViewsAuthorFollow. UniFi AP-SHD not connecting after changing channels last activity days ago. Introducing the UniFi Next-Gen. I just get a permanent spinning.

Latest Topic - Is this supported: NS-5AC for a Unifi AP AC Mesh Pro wireless PTMP. This message is automatically inserted in all classifieds forum threads. By replying to this thread you agree to abide by the trading rules detailed here.

Come on UBNT, " said. The Dutch UniFi Community. Ubiquiti Networks Support Documentation and Community Forums. Welcome to the Ubiquiti Support section.

Here you will find ways to receive support. Looking at getting a pair of Ubiquiti UniFi nanoHD access points. One for upstairs, one for downstairs. These are versions that are suggested to become.

I have a Raspberry Pi that serves as the. Community support is excellent, Unifi staff monitors their official forums and responds to almost every thread. There are serious quality control issues with. Discussions about Synology NAS and Ubiquiti - Technology platforms for Internet Access, Enterprise, and SmartHome applications.

Ubiquiti forums

I got a USG to replace the Edgerouter (as I wanted all my stats in one interface) and run a Raspi as my Unifi controller. Very pleased with the.

Has anyone got UBNT controller software working on an openSUSE system? A recent build is available here (grateful thanks) but the software. Previous versions of Malwarebytes have required an exception to be added to exclude.

Does anyone have experience using a UniFi AP with the turris? Is there any user that usie Unifi Protect together with Homey? How do you use Unifi together with homey in that case?

Install on a Ubiquiti UniFi Router. However the quality of the video from the Unifi Protect system is better. You need to register for the beta forums to access the above Unifi Forum URL.

I can see several posts on the Ubiquiti forums with customers having similar issues. I do know this about unifi, go to their forum and share a problem with a camera and they address it. I do not work for them by the way.

Ubiquiti forums

We use quite a bit of Ubiquiti AirMAX equipment, and are having issues with LastPass completing the login form on the web management. Yes, sadly this is true. Banned: I am very disillusioned right now about the UBNT Forums as they were always touted as OPEN unlike the MT.

Any issues with getting it working on rCable?

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